- An Impact of Sherlock Holmes Series on Modern Detective Novels
- Grimm's Fairy Tales and Witches
- A History of Australian Multiculturalism: The Development of Multiculturalism in Australia
- Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go: Why Do the Characters Accept Their Destiny?
- A Study of The Handmaid's Tale: Resistance of Women in Patriarchal Society
- Racism, Classism, and Ideology in Harry Potter Series
- The Influence of Social Norms on Elizabeth's Marriage in Pride and Prejudice
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Herland: The Feminist Issues Relevant to Modern Society
- A Study of The Underground Railroad: Cora's Pursuit of Freedom
- A Study of The Great Gatsby: The End of the American Dream in the 1920s
- A Study of The Great Gatsby: The Life of F. Scott Fitzgerald and Characters in His Novel
- The Hard Lives of Young Women in South Korea
- A Study of Uncle Tom's Cabin: Racial Differences in Assessments of the Work
- A Study of the Nick Adams Stories: Nick's Sexuality
- G.B.Shaw's Pygmalion: Verifying Liza's Independence from a Linguistic Analysis of Her Speech
- A Study of The Color Purple: Emancipation from Gender Oppressions
- Colette: An Author Who Pushed the Boundaries of Gender and Sexuality in Society in the 19th Century
- Eternal Beauty as a Major Theme in William Shakespeare's Sonnets
- Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 by Cho Nam-Joo: The Current Situation Surrounding Modern Women and the Impact of Feminism
- Charlotte Bront?'s Jane Eyre: Is Jane Eyre an Independent Women?
- A Study of Pride and Prejudice
- A Study of Carson McCullers: Deviant Gender and Sexuality in The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter and The Member of the Wedding
- A Study of Raymond Carver’s Short Stories : "Waiting" in "A Small, Good Thing"
- The Three Former Female Slaves Who Fought Against Racism
- Role Language of Racial Minorities in Movies
- A Study of Role Language and Character Language: Translating the Idiosyncratic Japanese in Kafka on the Shore into Chinese
- On Recognition of the Subject of Japanese and 天天棋牌,天天棋牌手机版: The Cognitive Linguistic Perspective
- Comparing Consonants and Vowels in Phonetic Symbolism
- A Study of Effects of Onomatopoeia in Marketing Field
- A Study of Japanese Mimetics: Sound Symbolism of Velar and Bilabial Stops
- A Study of the Sound Symbolism of First Names in Japanese
- A Study of Japanese Prefixes O- and Go-
- A Study of Sound Symbolism: Are Female Names with Sonorants still Attractive?
- Is Sound Symbolism Universal? A Case Study of Pokemon Names in Japanese and 天天棋牌,天天棋牌手机版
- The Effects of Visual Images on Sentence Comprehension in Secondary 天天棋牌,天天棋牌手机版 Textbook
- Constrain Ranges in the Middle and Possible Voices: A Comparison of 天天棋牌,天天棋牌手机版 and Japanese
- An Analysis of “Mono” and “Koto” and Their Linguistic Classification
- A Study of the Translation of The Catcher in the Rye by Haruki Murakami
- A Study of Translation in Movie
- Cognitive Differences in Speakers' Viewpoints in Picture Books: A Contrastive Study in Japanese and 天天棋牌,天天棋牌手机版 Expressions
- The Relationship between Names and Phonetic Symbolism
- A Comparison of Expressive Functions in Advertisements and Movie Posters between Japanese and 天天棋牌,天天棋牌手机版
- The Role of Examples When Teaching 天天棋牌,天天棋牌手机版 Written Composition to Secondary Learners
- Differences between Japanese and 天天棋牌,天天棋牌手机版 in Disney Songs
- Clipped Words in Japanese
- A Study of Heroines' Language in Disney Movies
- Collaborative Learning: The Effects of Reducing the Cognitive Load When Used for 天天棋牌,天天棋牌手机版 Composition
- Language and Gender
- The -Mi Suffixation in Japanese Slang
- Japanese Mono and Koto vs 天天棋牌,天天棋牌手机版 Thing from a Cognitive Linguistic Perspective
- A Study of the Transformation of Female Language in Disney Princess Movies
- The Usefulness of Monologue Practice for Japanese Learners of 天天棋牌,天天棋牌手机版
- Differences between Japanese and 天天棋牌,天天棋牌手机版 Expressions from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics: Mono vs. Koto
- A Study of Disney's Use of African American Vernacular 天天棋牌,天天棋牌手机版 (AAVE) in Movies
- A Study of British Dogs
- A Study of Governess
- A Study of Horse
- Adultery in 19th Century Literature: Social, Religious and Feminist Influences on Novels of Infidelity
- The Description of Silence in Joy Kogawa's Obasan: Japanese Canadians and Canada's Government During and After WW Ⅱ
- On Mirroring and Electric Bodies: The Role of Gender in Naomi Alderman's The Power
- A Study of the Beatles
- Positive Affirmation of Homosexuality in Carol: Comparing the 1952 Novel with the 2015 Film
- A Study of Performing Arts
- A Study of Stray Cats in Korea
- Evaluating Perceptions of Beautification: The Role of Makeup from Ancient Times to Today
- A Study of Voluntary Restraints in Japan
- A Study of Working Women
- Women’s Voices in the Age of War of the Roses
- A Study of Howl's Moving Castle
- Oppression or Liberation: The Impact of Fashion on Women from First Wave Feminism to Today
- A Comparative Study of the Speech Act of Complaints between Chinese and Japanese
- A Study of Responses Related to Gratitude in 天天棋牌,天天棋牌手机版
- Pragmatic Transfer of Expression of Apologies Japanese Use in 天天棋牌,天天棋牌手机版
- Effects of Backchannels on Online Video Communication
- Playful Conflict: How Do Women and Men Differ?
- What Makes Comedy Funny? : A Comparative Analysis of Speech Design
- Gender Differences in Communication and Marital Relationships
- A Pragmatic Analysis of the Narrative Trick
- Metaphor Related to Fashion
- On the Classification in Manzai
- A Comparison of Economic Metaphors in 天天棋牌,天天棋牌手机版 and Japanese
- Reactive Tokens in Online and Face-to-Face Communication
- Metaphors for Humor
- Differences in Backchannels between Men and Women
- Figurative Language in Disney
- Keys to Successful Communication Among International Couples in Japan
- A Study of Self-Disclosure in Conversations between Unacquainted Speakers
- Effects of Disfluencies and Fillers on Listeners in Spontaneous Speech
- On the Relation between Conversation and Happiness
- Metaphoric Expressions of Compassion and Concern in Japanese
- Metaphors for Love
- Difference in Communication between Men and Women
- Differences in Communication between Men and Women
- A Study of the Use of Fillers
- Overpoliteness: Some Causes for Communicative Discomfort
- The Connection between Young People's Language and Communication on Social Networking Sites
- Comparison of Animals' Personalities in Japanese Folk Tales and Aesop's Fables
- Conflict Talk: Focusing on Children's Growth Process and Communication Development
- Expression of Request in Japanese: Focusing on Gender Differences and Social Standings
- An Analysis of the Politics of Hit Hip Hop Song Lyrics from the 1980s to 2000s
- Female Volleyball Players at the Olympics: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Japanese Women's Advancement into Society